1. Genus Epidemicus
For over 200 years, homeopathy has been successfully used during periods of epidemics (typhoid epidemic of 1813, cholera of 1934, diphtheria of 1864, Spaniard of 1918, etc.). If we find a drug that matches all the symptoms of coronavirus 2019, then we will find Genus Epidemicus, that is, a drug that most closely matches the symptoms of the disease in a large group of people.
Indian homeopaths say Genus Epidemicus of Coronavirus 2019 is
Arsenicum Album.
Arsenicum Album 200C * - 1 time per week, during periods of massive illness around. If you are sick, then Arsenicum Album 200C - 2 times a day, 3-4 days, stop with improvement. * 200s - according to the recommendations of European homeopaths.
* 30s - according to the recommendations of Indian homeopaths.
Recent reports from the Association of Homeopathic Physicians in China, According to Aron Co. (President of the Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy). More than 30 homeopathic doctors in China have observed the following symptoms typical for coronavirus:
slow start
trembling that runs up and down the back
temperature, which is not very high
weakness during fever, even with a feeling of heaviness of the eyelids
pain in the limbs during fever
cough is not strong, but fatigue and fatigue seem to be the main problem
a feeling of tension or fear that something bad will happen.
Many people now live in great fear as the coronavirus spreads further. Chinese homeopathic physicians consider
Gelsemium the most important remedy, followed by Bryonia and Eupatorium perfoliatum.
They recommend taking
Gelsemium C30 daily for 7 days if there is a high risk of infection and then give it only twice a week. 2. Homeoprophylaxis Usually use a nosode made from coronavirus. If the nosode is unavailable, use the Influenzum nosode.
Nosode 30C - 1 time per week during periods of growth of the diseases around.
You can take Arsenicum Album 200C (30C) / Gelsemium 30C and Nosode 30C every week.
3. Select according to the symptoms If you are already sick, it is ideal
to make an appointment with a homeopath. It is better to choose the drug according to the symptoms. It is better to take a potency of 200C during an epidemic period, 3 times per day, for 3 days or until symptoms improve. The drug and potency are best selected individually and depend on many factors (patient history, toxins, sensitivity, age, etc.)
Arsenicum Album and Gelsemium will be first choice however bear in mind the following remedies:
Bryonia for a cough with chest and head pain. You should hold your chest and head with your hands when coughing.
Eupatorium perfoliatum - more bone pain, less weight and weakness.
In addition to your homeopathic kit, prepare the following remedies in 200C potency.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum
Ferrum Phosphoricum
Hepar Sulfur
Rus Tox
Carbo Veg
Kali carb
4. Oscillococcinum (an extract of the heart and liver of Barbarian duck, Anas barbariae, in a potency of 200K, sold in conventional pharmacies without a prescription) according to Robin Murphy, is the homeoprophylaxis and number 1 remedy in coronavirus.