Autism, ADHD, arthritis relates to what we eat

Gut or brain?

The relationship between gut and brain closer than you think.
If you look at the 2 pictures, the intestine and the brain ... it is unlikely that you will be able to tell what is what. To tell you the truth the most homeopaths could not give the right answer either at a webinar about the bowel nosodes in London.

Recently, many studies have been published about the connection between the intestines and the brain. Many films like "We Are What We Eat" were released. The relationship is close and confirmed by clinical studies like 2 pictures of the intestine and brain.

  • The intestine is called the second brain.
  • There are thousands of neurons in the gastrointestinal tract
  • There is own blood-brain barrier
  • The second brain produces a large number of different hormones and about 40 types of neurotransmitters of the same exact type as in the brain
  • The GIT neurons synthesize as much dopamine as all the neurons in the brain. (Dopamine performs the function of signal transmission between nerve cells and is the main neurotransmitter in decision-making and motivation systems).
  • About 95% of the serotonin in the body is in the digestive tract

The idea that bacteria in the digestive tract, called a microbiome, can also affect the brain has been shown in various studies:

Dr. Natasha McBride (founder of the GAPS diet, neurologist, neurosurgeon, nutritionist) - Most of her patients (autistic children) had 'leaky gut' syndrome. When using the gaps diet, improvements immediately came.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield - (gastroenterologist), probably the most famous (my university in London was forced to move after the showing of his film ...) showed in his studies how vaccines destroy microbiomes and penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Please note that he did not speak out against vaccines; he investigated the cause and effect.

Dr. Dae Wook Kang - examined stool bacteria of 50 children, half of whom are autistic. The composition of the autistic chair was far from the norm. "We suspect that the microbiome had an effect on the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters."

Hippocrates said more than 2,000 years ago that all diseases begin in the intestines.

According to CTM (Chinese Traditional Medicine), the intestines are "Bin Man" (the bin). Now imagine what happens if you never took out the trash ... parasites, rot, decay and collapse.

According to CTM, the intestines are associated with the lungs and skin, the sensory organ being the nose. See the connection? Eczema/allergy (skin, suppressed/smeared with hormones) - the next step is bronchitis, asthma (lungs, breathed/drank hormones) - autoimmune diseases ...

By the way, when it comes to allergies, histamine is a toxin that can form in the intestines, along with toxins like phenol, indole, and skatol. Perhaps the most famous toxins in the intestine are mentioned above. They give the smell to the stool, irritate the intestines, make its walls permeable, suppress blood circulation, lead to problems with blood vessels, ulcers, hypertension, and other diseases.