Allergy, anemia, muscle pain, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

Intestinal worms

Natural way to treat

-Allergy. Parasites damage the intestine, which can lead to penetration of large undigested molecules into intestine. This can activate the immune response of the body and increase the amounts of eosinophils — one of the types of protective cells of the body. Eosinophils can contribute to inflammation of the body's tissues, which leads to an allergic reaction. Parasites also cause increased production of immunoglobulin E by the body.

-Anemia. Some types of intestinal parasites stick to the intestine and suck nutrients from the host. Being in the body in large quantities, they can cause a large loss of blood, which leads to a lack of iron and anemia. Anemia can be caused by Trichomonas. Trichomonas can eat sperm, what causes impotence. It swallows them like red blood cells.

- Joint and muscle pain. It is known that parasites can move around the human body in order to settle in the most convenient places for their lives, for example, in the joint fluid and muscles. When this happens, a person experiences pain, which is often considered a sign of arthritis. Pain and inflammation of the joints and muscles are also the result of tissue injury caused by some parasites or the body's immune response to their presence. The same symptoms can be caused by chronic intoxication products of parasites. Sometimes this reaction can occur in response to the death of the parasite and release into the internal environment of the host of the dead parasite.

- Gas and bloating. A number of parasites live in the upper small intestine, where inflammation caused by them leads to bloating and gas formation. The problem may be compounded by the consumption of hard-to-digest foods such as beans or raw fruits and vegetables. Constant swelling of the peritoneum is often a sign of the presence of secret parasites. These symptoms can manifest themselves with variable strength for months and even years, if you do not get rid of the "freeloaders".

- Irritable bowel syndrome. Parasites can irritate and cause inflammation of the intestinal wall, leading to a number of gastrointestinal symptoms and slight absorption of vital nutrients and especially fatty substances. This low absorption of nutrients leads to solid feces and excess fat in the feces.

-Granulomas. Granulomas are tumor-like masses that envelop the destroyed eggs of parasites. Most often they are formed on the walls of the colon and rectum, but can also be formed in the lungs, liver, abdomen and uterus.

-Constipations. Worms, due to their shape and size, can mechanically close some ducts, lumen of the intestines. The worm infestation can close the common bile and intestinal ducts, and parasite waste products reduce the muscular ability of the intestine to evacuate the contents, which leads to rare and difficult defecation.

-Skin problem. Intestinal parasites can cause urticaria, rashes, eczema and other allergic skin reactions. Skin ulcers, tumors and sores, papillomas and dermatitis can be the result of the presence of protozoa.

-Sleep disturbance. Frequent waking up in the middle of the night, especially between 2 and 3 am, can also be the result of attempts by the body to get rid of toxic substances through the liver. According to Chinese medicine, these hours of night are controlled by the liver. Sleep disorders can also be triggered by the night exit of some parasites through the anus, which leads to unpleasant pain and itching. One of the causes of hemorrhoids is the presence of parasites (pinworms) under the mucous membrane of the rectum.

-Anxiety. Metabolic waste and toxic substances of parasites can irritate the Central nervous system. Anxiety is often the result of systematic infection with parasites.

-Diarrhea. A number of parasites, especially the simplest, produce hormone-like substances leading to the loss of sodium and chlorides, which in turn leads to frequent watery feces. Diarrhea is a function of the parasite, not the defence of the body to get rid of the infection.

- A variety of immune disorders. Parasites weaken the immune system, lowering the selection of immunoglobulin A. Their presence continuously stimulates the system response and over time can weaken this vital immune mechanism, opening the way for the penetration into the organism of bacterial and viral infections.

-Chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptoms of chronic fatigue include weakness, complaints of flu-like symptoms, apathy, depression, loss of concentration and poor memory. These physical, mental and emotional symptoms can be caused by parasites that create anemia, intoxication, lack of nutrients in the body due to poor absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and especially vitamins A and B.

- Teeth grinding. Bruxism-abnormal teeth grinding, teeth compression and friction often accompanies parasitic infections. These symptoms are especially noticeable in the sleeping children. Bruxism can be a response of the nervous system to a foreign stimulus.

From the ENERGY point of view, dysfunction of the small intestine leads to intestinal parasites. This can be explained by problems with the "digestion" of thoughts, feelings, reality of today. These accumulated thoughts and feelings lead us to a conflict that weakens the intestines, thus increasing our susceptibility to intestinal parasites.


Homeopathy helps to strength the immune system, to restore of intestinal microflora, helping the body to expel parasites. Homeopathy usually has no side effects. However, do not forget that such activities must in any case be coordinated by the homeopath.

Also, from a homeopathic point of view, it is important to follow a diet. For example, an acid-forming diet (a diet in which carbohydrates predominate) leads to infection with parasites. The constant use of steroids, vaccination leads to a weakening of the immune system, which also increases the risk of infection with parasites.

TOP 11

1. Cina - the drug presents a complete picture of a person with parasites. Irritability, restless sleep, excitability, pale face with circles around the eyes, constant scratching of the nose, night gnashing of teeth, tendency to convulsions, "wolf" appetite, night crying. Vomiting, dizziness, constipation (abdomen hard). Twitching of limbs (arms/legs). Anus itchiness.

2. Ignatia- anus itchiness, convulsions with loss of consciousness and temporary inability to speak.

3. Indigo - a remedy for ascarids and pin worms in melancholic children. Severe pain (convulsions) in the umbilical area, frequent urination, diarrhoea (regardless of appetite).

4. Calcarea carbonica (Calc carb) – headache, dark circles around the eyes, pale, swollen face, swollen stomach. Pain around the navel, diarrhoea. Easily sweats. Seems that the parasites crawling in the rectum, annoying the anus.

5. Lycopodium - bloating, feeling that someone is crawling (moving) in the intestine and stomach (up, down), constipation.

6. Mercury (Mercurius) – bad breath. Constant hunger, anus itchiness, inflammation of the external genital organs of women. Shooting pain in the rectum-leading to night crying, screaming.

7. Sabadilla- all the symptoms of parasites with dizziness and colic. Vomiting (feeling of parasites in the throat). Burning in the umbilical area. Chilly, sensitive to cold. A sense of implication (failure of the) stomach. Nervous symptoms.

8. Silicea –Colic with constipation, or hard stools, yellow hands, blue nails. Stool with blood, gas formation with rumbling.

9. Spigelia - nausea every morning before breakfast, always better after breakfast. Pale face. The feeling of parasites in throat, better after eating or vomit (vomit with the smell of vinegar). Pain in the intestine. Dry night cough.

10. Sulphur – the feeling of "crawling" in the nose and "biting" in the intestine. Nausea before eating, weakness (fainting) after eating. Restless condition at night.

11. Teucrium Marum - constant itching of the anus. The desire to be outdoors. Constant hunger.

In parasites treatment is desirable to clean the body with herbs that will remove toxins more effectively and painlessly.

You can find a lot of natural ways to clean up from different types of parasites. In particular, tapeworms helps the infusion of the bark of the pomegranate: (It must be brewed with boiling water and drink 1 teaspoon before meals).

However, the main question when using natural methods (herbs, tinctures) to determine the type of worms that you have. The latter is not always easy.


Black walnut has an anti-worm property, cleanses all organs from parasites and their larvae.

For the destruction of parasites, bacteria and viruses in the body is recommended to use the so-called triad. It is made of black walnut tincture, wormwood-grass and cloves. Using a special scheme of drugs, you can destroy and remove from the body not only adults, but also their larvae and eggs.

How to use the triad:

1st reception-in 100 ml of water to dilute 1 drop of tincture of black fruits. Take 1 gram of powder of wormwood and cloves, with a glass of the resulting liquid. After half an hour, a mandatory meal.

2nd reception-the next day increase the dose (tinctures – 2 drops, wormwood powder and cloves – 2 grams). To drink fluid in small sips.

Each subsequent day should continue to increase the dosage. The course of application of "triad" is 14 days, after it for prevention to take 1 time per week according to the scheme of the first reception. People whose weight is more than 70 kg should calculate the dosage of each ingredient according to the formula-for every 10 extra pounds the volume of raw materials increases by 25%.
The supplements mentioned above can be found in the shopping list here.

(by herbalist M.Ohanyan)

Use plants with a bitter taste, which have been successfully used for intestinal worms.

For cleansing you need:

  • wormwood,
  • yarrow,
  • tansy,
  • immortelle,
  • hypericum (St. John's wort),
  • chamomile,
  • oak bark,
  • buckthorn bark.

Pour in a thermos of 1 teaspoon (with top) of every herb: wormwood, yarrow, tansy, immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark and buckthorn bark. Pour 0.5 litres of boiling water and let it infused overnight. Get a dose for four days (part of the liquid will go into the thick). In the morning, drink 100 g of infusion on an empty stomach. Do this for ten days. Then take a three-day break. Then repeat the infusion for another ten days.

This cleansing should be carried out once a year.

To diagnose the presence of parasites is quite difficult, especially immediately after infection. Until recently, the only way to identify "outsiders" was duodenal probing and faecal analysis. The results of such studies allowed to determine the fragments, larvae or eggs of parasites. However, such methods do not always give reliable results. At the moment, to detect parasites using modern techniques that allow you to identify almost any parasite.

  • Fecal analysis (carried out at least 3 times)
  • Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).
  • ELISA tests.
  • Serological methods of research.
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs (ultrasound).
  • Computer tomography.
  • Biopsy
PCR diagnostics offers a parasite analysis based on DNA analysis.