Encephalitis (spring-summer mosquito/tick-borne meningoencephalitis) is a viral disease transmitted by ticks or mosquitoes (Japanese encephalitis).
In a typical case, the patient goes through 2 steps:
•Fever (with high/febrile temperature)
Headaches •Loss of joint
Symptoms are like flu. You can stop the disease at this level.
• Inflammation of the meninges (meningitis)
Severe headaches Heavy form:
• brain inflammation
• disorders of consciousness
• speech disorders
• difficulty swallowing
• body paralysis
Mosquito-borne encephalitis virus in the blood can be detected starting from the 1st phase of the disease.
HOMEOPATHY In October 2016 at the conference, Dr. Srinivasulu Gadugu (Professor of the State Medical College in Kadapa, India) spoke about the homeoprophylaxis of Japanese mosquito-borne encephalitis in India.
Outbreaks of Japanese encephalitis have occurred in India and America. The symptoms of Japanese encephalitis are like those of mosquito-borne encephalitis. In the world over the past 60 years, 10 million cases of infection with Japanese encephalitis have been reported. The vaccine, which has been available on the market since 1941, showed an efficiency of 60%.
Over the past decades in India, different homeopathic remedies have been used as prophylaxis: Opium, Helleborus, Stramonium. Since the 90s. cases of Japanese encephalitis in India were growing rapidly. From 1993-1999, 5308 cases were registered, 1511 people died despite of vaccination. The government has officially requested the help of homeopaths.
Belladonna, Opium, Helleborus brought temporary relief.
Considering the symptoms and miasms, the following program was proposed for prophylaxis to all children from 0-15 years old in August of each year, for 3 years in a row.
Belladonna 200C, 1 dose, on days 1.2 and 3.
Calcarea Carbonica 200С, 1 dose, on the 10th day
3. Tuberculinium10M, 1 dose, on the 25th day
The precarious effect of the vaccine and its high cost pushed the government to homeopathic prophylaxis in 1999. The result was amazing.
In 2000 there were registered 343 cases of encephalitis, in 2001 there were 30 cases, in 2002 -only 18 cases, in 2003-2004- no cases had been reported. The government of India has recognized the effectiveness of homeoprophylaxis.
Later, the effectiveness of Belladonna, as a homeoprophylactic remedy from Japanese encephalitis, was additionally investigated. The result of the researches shows the significant role of Belladonna as a prophylactic remedy. The strategy of using homeopathic remedies (Belladonna, Calcarea Carbonica and TB) was found to be effective as a preventive measure for Japanese encephalitis.